Cali's finest CBD Elixir


Each dropper full is 33mg of CBD isolate from California Grown Hemp . We suggest taking a dropper at time and holding under your younger for 15 seconds for best absorption.

Organic California Poppy whole fresh plant, Organic California Myer's Lemon Peel, Organic California Grown Rosehips, Honey, Beyond Organic Ethanol. 2000mg CBD Isolate from Organic California Grown Hemp.
California poppy is a wonderful ally for soothing pain and relaxing physical tension. It is particularly helpful for toothaches, headaches, and the discomfort that follows injury or surgery.
California poppy is also slightly antispasmodic and can relieve spasmodic aches and pains of all kinds, including menstrual cramps, bunched muscles, and spasmodic coughing.
California poppy is a grounding nervine herb whose medicine is less hypnotic than that of other members of the poppy family. Its effects are gently sedative and analgesic in higher doses, and anxiolytic in lower doses. It is classically used to promote sleep and soothe pain, neuralgia, anxiety, stress, and depression. For those who experience insomnia or disturbed sleep, California poppy can bring a deep and dreamless slumber. It will be especially helpful when insomnia is due to overexcitement, distraction, restlessness, or pain.
The US Formulary of 1918 says of this botanical: “Attention has been brought to this California member of the Papaveraceae, as a powerful herb for calming and supporting sleep." Native American tribes from different parts of California used this plant for many traditional purposes- especially as a calming agent. The Pomo tribes from areas north of what is now Sacramento reportedly used the crushed seeds as a topical application, while the Mendocino used a root preparation as an external cleansing agent and internally. It was used by the Costanoan tribes from what is now Monterey to promote healthy sleep. It has a long tradition of use in Western Botanical medicine as a Nervine and Trophorestorative (promotes nutrition uptake at the cellular level).
Rosemary Gladstar tells us that California poppy excels at “establishing equilibrium,” and this is certainly its calling card. It is neither our most sedative nervine nor our most subtle; rather it guides us to a deeply comforting middle ground—a place where we can rest and relax with ease. Having cooling properties, California poppy is specific to those who have hot constitutions or heat-related conditions.
California poppy is especially helpful for those who feel shaky, physically or emotionally. It calms nerves that have been rubbed raw by anger, grief, shock, or illness.
2 ounces