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Organic Milky Oats Oxymel with Lemon Balm and Nettle


fresh Organic Milky Oats, Fresh Organic Nettles, Fresh Organic Lemon Balm, Organic Lime Peel, Organic Rainer Cherries, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Local Sonoma County honey.

Calming support of the nervous system.

Traditional calming support of the nervous system

Milky Oat is an that herb nourishes and maintains vitality and strength within the nervous system, a system that responds to and makes sense of our ever-changing environment. This valuable nervous system herb embodies comfort and ease, helping to sustain balance and grounding in the body, heart, and mind. Milky Oats encourages restful sleep, supports a healthy heart, and calms mental restlessness. Consider including daily over a period of months.

When you're in need of some extra calm, there's Lemon Balm.
Support for nervousness and over-excitement.

When in doubt, use Neetle- David Hoffman
Traditional support for the respiratory system.

Shake Wildy Before Using.
Best taken between meals.
Take 1-3 droppers 1-4 times daily.

2 ounces